Quantopian Platform


Learn how to use the Quantopian Platform for Algorithmic Trading!

This section will cover the following:

  • Review of Quantopian
  • Basic Algorithm Methods
  • Building Trading Algorithms
  • Trading Algorithm Exercise
  • Quantopian Pipelines

Main Site: https://www.quantopian.com

Repositories at Github

Github: https://github.com/quantopian

The whole Quantipian platform is open-sourced and is available to download at Github.

Libaray Description
zipline Backtesting platform
alphalens Performance analysis
pyfolio Portfolio and risk analytics in Python


Quantopian discontinued the integration with Robinhood and they removed the text about trading with your own money. Is there an alternative? Maybe use Interactive Brokers API and then download zipline to mimic quantopians capabilities

Quantopian has now gotten rid of the get_fundamentals command in favor of using pipelines with morningstar. We actually cover this process later on in the course once we learn about piplines. For now, just skip the get_fundamentals() lecture, we'll show you how to use pipelines for fundamental data later on.