Python for Finance

Installation & Setup

Download & Install Anaconda

Anaconda is a Python package management and distribution tool.

Optional: Install Node.js and iJavascript

Anaconda provides a data science platform that distributes both Jupyter (by default) and Node.js (optionally). iJavascript can be installed in an Anaconda setup as follows:

conda install nodejs
npm install -g ijavascript

Notice that you need to use the ijsinstall utility to allow Jupyter to use the Javascript kernel.

Setup the Environment

  • This section deals with the installation of all necessary files/ materials for the course
  • Unzip file "" to your desired path
  • Open command prompt by searching Anaconda prompt in Windows or simply search for "cmd"
  • At command prompt:
    (base)> conda env create -f environment.yml
    If you see Solving environment: done, do NOT exit! The setup will take a while. A bunch of downloads will occur. When the downloads are finish, type below at command prompt
    (base)> activate pyfinance
  • For more info on Conda environments, click [here]

Using Jupyter Notebook

To get help

>>> jupyter notebook --help

By default, jupyter notebook opens the notebook dashboard in the current working folder. To open in a different folder, run:

jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=[put your path here]

To start Jupyter Notebook: At Anaconda prompt:

(base)> activate pyfinance
(pyfinance)> jupyter notebook

To change the startup directory in Windows

If this is the first time using jupyter notebook, make sure that you copy the url with the token for future login http://localhost:8888/?token=e878ff75ee1b5ac82db1be2d135caccf64b7a2fa20b4d03a

Keyboard Commands

shift-enter: execute command shift-tab: get documentation string tab: if press after ".": get list of methods. if press during typing: auto-complete pwd: check the directory where Jupyter notebook is in

Kernel > Restart will restart the kernel e.g. infinite while loop but it will also delete all the variable names assigned earlier. Cell > Run All Above: Re-run code above Cell > Run All Below: Re-run code below

Note on Exercises

jupyter notebook files end with a ipynb extension. You need to press shift+enter to execute the command in the cells above your input cell.