Building Blocks of Angular Apps


  • Component encapsulates the data, the HTML markup and the logic for a view, which is the area of the screen that a user sees


  • A real world application might looks like this:

    • it might have a sidebar component, a navbar component and course components img
  • Every application has at least one component which we call App Component or Root Component. A real world Angular app is essentially a tree of Components:



  • A module is a container for a group of related Components
  • Every Angular app has at least one module which we call App Module
  • A real world application can have different modules and each module is responsible for a specific areas of our application
  • In each module, we will have a bunch of related Components



  • Step 1: Create a component
  • Step 2: Register component in a module
  • Step 3: Add an Element in a HTML markup

Step 1: Create a Component

  • Open the project
    • cd to the hello-world project
    • run ng serve --open
  • Create a file
    • go to src\app folder and create file named "courses.component.ts"
  • Convert the class into Component
    • Import a Decorator called Component from Angular core library
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  • Apply Component to the TypeScript class
    • Use the Decorator function Component and pass in an object to tell Angular how this component works
    • The object has the following properties:
      • selector: css-style element e.g. courses, .courses, #courses
      • template: HTML markup we want to render for this component. If the template is an external file, we use templateUrl instead
In [ ]:
  selector: 'courses',
  template: '<h2>Courses</h2>'
  • With Components, we can extend HTML vocabulary so we can define new elements like <courses>. Angular will then render the template for this component inside that selector element

Step 2: Register Component in app.module

  • The Decorator function @NgModule is used to convert a TypeScript class to a Module


  • By default, when we generate an app, we have one Component called AppComponent which is part of the app module
  • The property declarations which is where we add all the Components that are part of app module


  • When you type "CourseComponent" inside declarations, VS code automatically insert the "import ..." at the top
  • Note that the name of a module is just the name of the file without the extension

Step 3: Add an Element in a HTML Markup Template

  • Inside the "app" folder, the file app.component.html is an external template for our "AppComponent"
  • This is the homepage at url localhost:4200
  • Clear contents of "app.component.html"
  • Add the custom element "courses"
In [ ]:
// File: app.component.html
  • When Angular sees the <courses> element, it is going to render the template of our "courses" component
  • Our homepage had been changed as follow:


Example: App-Root Component

  • At the browser, right click and select Inspect Element


  • The <app-root> is found inside the <body> Where does it come from?
  • <app-root> is a custom element and is from src/index.html


  • From Angular point of view, we should have an component with a selector for this element
  • We can locate them in app/app.component.ts


  • Note that the template file app.component.html is external

Naming Convention

Component File

  • file name: [name].component.ts
  • Note if the Component has multiple words, we separate them using a hyphen e.g. courses-form.component.ts

Class Name

  • class name: [Name]Component
  • Use the Pascal naming convention
  • First letter of every word should be capital
  • Use the suffix Component in the name of the class

Generating Components Using Angular CLI

  • The 3-step approach in the previous section is a little bit tedious and if you miss a step, the applicaton is going to break
  • Using Angular CLI is a quicker and more reliable way to create an Angular component
  • At the command prompt, type the following
In [ ]:
ng g c course

where "g" is short for "generate" and "c" is short for "component"


Angular-CLI created a folder called "course" and add 4 files inside the foler: a CSS file, a HTML file, a unit test file and a TypeScript file. It also registered the component in AppModule.


  • Refer to file "courses.component.ts"
  • We want to define a field in this class to hold the title of this page and display the title dynamically
  • Use Interpolation syntax {{title}} to render title dynamically
    • The "title" field will be evaluated at run-time and the value of this "title" field will be placed in our DOM
  • This is known as Data Binding in which you bind a view to a field in this component
  • Besides field, we can also bind Javascript expression, method etc.
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: '<h2>{{ getTitle() }}</h2>'

export class CoursesComponent {
  title = "List of courses";

    return this.title;  


  • Instead of displaying a single "title" field, you wan to display a list of courses:
    • Declare and initialize an array "courses"
    • Enclose "courses" with back tick so that the list can be spanned multiple lines
    • Use directives *ngFor with string interpolation to manipulate the DOM
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
      <li *ngFor="let course of courses">
        {{ course }}

export class CoursesComponent {
  title = "List of courses";
  courses = ["course1", "course2", "course3"];



  • In real world applications, most of time we get these courses from the server
  • We implement above by:

    • Add logic for calling an HTTP service


    • Issues:

      • Make a fake HTTP Endpoint for unit testing purpose
      • Repeat the logic for different components
      • A component should not include any logic other than presentation logic
  • Angular uses Services to implement this kind of logic
    • Create a new file app\courses.service.ts
  • Services is a plain TypeScript class with no Decorator
In [2]:
// File
export class CoursesService{
    return ["course1", "course2", "course3"];
[Function: CoursesService]

Dependency Injection

Implement Services Using 'new' Operator

  • To enable the use of "CoursesService" in "CoursesComponent"
  • Add constructor to class CoursesComponent
    • This will create an instance of our courses service
  • As you instantiate courses service with new, note that import statement is automatically added to the top of courses component


  • Then we can initiate the "courses" field
In [3]:
// File: courses.component.ts (partial)
export class CoursesComponent {
  title = "List of courses";

    let service = new CoursesService(); = service.getCourses();
[Function: CoursesComponent]

However, there are problems with this implementation:

  • When we use the new operator, we have tightly coupled the class ("CoursesComponent") with its implementation ("CoursesService")
    • In a bigger picture, if we implement the logic for consuming an HTTP service ("CoursesService") DIRECTLY inside a component ("CoursesComponent"), we can't unit test this class
  • Hard to maintain future changes on the service constructor e.g. add a parameter will lead to multiple changes in application code

A Better Way to Implement Services

  • Step1: Add the dependency ("CoursesService") as a parameter to the constructor of the component ("CoursesComponent")
    • Benefits:
      • With this implementation, future changes on CoursesService is easy to maintain
      • Also we can provide a "fake" implementation of CoursesService that doesn't use HTTP service at the back-end in unit testing
    • In other words, we have decoupled the class ("CoursesComponent") from its dependency ("CoursesService")
In [ ]:
// File: courses.component.ts (partial)
export class CoursesComponent {
  title = "List of courses";

  constructor(service: CoursesService){ = service.getCourses();
  • Step2: Register "CoursesService" as a provider in app module

    • Instruct Angular to inject the dependencies of a component into its constructor (Dependency Injection)
    • Angular has a dependency injection framework built in to it. In order for that to work, you need to register the dependency ("CoursesService") in as a provider in AppModule:


    • If you miss this step, the console will give you an error - Error: No provider for CoursesService


  • When you register a dependency as a provider that module, Angular will create a single instance of that class (Singleton)
  • Angular will pass the singleton to components that require the services

Generating Services Using Angular CLI

  • A quick way to create a service in Angular
In [ ]:
ng g s email
  • "s" is for "service"
  • We don't need to type "email.service"
  • This will generate 2 files for us:


  • The file "email.service.spec.ts" includes some boilerplate codes for writing unit test for that service


  • @injectable is a decorator function which is required ONLY if this service had denpendency in its constructor
    • This tells Angular that this class ("EmailService") is an injectible class which means Angular should be able to inject dependency of this class into its constructor


  • We did not use @injectable decorator when defining components because when we use the @component decorator, that decorator internally includes these @injectable decorator