Property Binding

In [ ]:
// File: courses.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
    <img src = "{{ imageUrl }}" />

export class CoursesComponent {
  title = "List of courses";
  imageUrl = "";
  • When Angular compiles our templates, it translates string interpolations into what we call property binding in which a property is binded to a TypeScript class
In [ ]:
// Interpolation
  • In property binding, Angular bind a property of a DOM element such as src to a field of our component imageUrl
  • The string interpolation syntax will be tranlated to the square bracket syntax as follow:
In [ ]:
// Property Binding
<h2 [textContent] = "title"></h2>

Another exmaple:

  • Note that we add / for self-closing tag e.g. <img>
In [ ]:
// Interpolation
<img src="{{imageUrl}}" />

// Property Binding
<img [src]="imageUrl" />
  • Property binding works only one way: from component to the DOM. Any changes in the DOM are NOT reflected back in a component
  • For example if you have a input field and the user types something in the input field, the underlying property or field in the component will not be updated

Attribute Binding

DOM Property vs HTML Attribute

When using property binding, you're actually binding to a property of a DOM object, and not an attribute of an HTML element

  • For example, we add a <table> element to our template with data binding to "colspan":
In [ ]:
// Attribute Binding
[colspan] = "colSpan"
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <img alt="img" [src] = "imageUrl" />
        <td [colspan]="colSpan"></td>

export class CoursesComponent {
  imageUrl = "";
  colSpan = 2;

Upon compilation, note the error in the console:

`Can't bind to 'colspan' since it isn't a known property of 'td'

In order to understand this error, first you need to understand the difference between DOM (Document Object Model) and HTML


DOM is a model of objects that represent the structure of a document. It's essentially a tree of objects in memory.

HTML is a markup language that we use to represent DOM in text. When your browser parses an HTML document, it creates a tree of objects in memory that they refer to as a DOM.

We can also create this tree of objects programmatically using vanilla JavaScript. We don't neccessarily need HTML but HTML is far simpler.


Most of the attributes of HTML elements have a one-to-one mapping to properties of DOM objects. There are however a few exceptions. For example, we have HTML attributes that don't have a respresentation in the DOM e.g. The DOM object does not have a property called colspan. That's why we can the error.

On the other hand, we have properties in DOM that do not have a representation in HTML e.g. HTML does not have an attribute called textContent

In [ ]:
<h1 [textContent]="title"></h1>

Using attr.

  • 99% of time we don't need to use this
  • To bind the attribute of the <td> element, add a prefix attr. which tells Angular that we're targeting the colspan attribute of a HTML element
In [ ]:
<td [attr.colspan]="colSpan"></td>

Adding Twitter Bootstrap

Step 1: Install Bootstrap

  • Open the terminal and type npm install bootstrap@3.3.7 --save

    • download bootstrap and store it into node_modules folder
    • --save will add bootstrap as a dependency in package.json


  • The meaning of the line "bootstrap":"^3.3.7"

    • 3.3.7: "major" number, minor number and path number
    • ^: we can use the most recent "major" version e.g. 3.4, 3.5, 3.9 but if there is a newer version, like version 4 or 5, don't install that

Benefit of Adding an Entry Package in package.json

By listing all the dependencies in package.json, anyone who checks out this source code from a repository can simply go to the terminal and type npm install. NPM looks at the package.json and downloads all the dependencies to the machine

Step 2: Import Bootstrap StyleSheet

In [ ]:
"styles": [
  • This method does NOT Work
    • Open file src/style.css
    • Use CSS style @import and add the path of bootstrap.css relative from node_modules folder
In [ ]:
@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

Step 3: Add Bootstrap Element

  • Open file courses.component.ts and add a <button>:
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <button class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {

Step 4: Modify Style

  • Go to style.css and add the following:
In [ ]:
body {
  padding: 20px;

Class Binding

  • There are times that you may want to add class to an element, based on some condition
  • For example, we want to apply the active class on the <button> based on the state of the underlying component
  • To bind the TypeScript isActive field to DOM property
In [ ]:
// Class Binding
[] = "isActive"
In [ ]:
// File: courses.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <button class="btn btn-primary" []="isActive">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {
  isActive = true;
  • From the console, notice we have 3 classes
  • If isActive is true, the target class will be added to the element


  • If isActive is false and exists in the element, the target class will be removed


Style Binding

  • A variation of property binding and very similar to class binding
In [ ]:
// Style Binding
<button [style.backgroundColor]="isActive? 'blue': 'white'">Save</button>
In [ ]:
// File: courses.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <button [style.backgroundColor]="isActive? 'blue': 'white'">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {
  isActive = false;

Event Binding

  • Handle events raised from the DOM, like keystrokes, mouse movements, clicks and so on
  • Note the use of brackets () instead of squared boxes []
In [ ]:
// Event Binding
<button (click)="onSave()">Save</button>
  • Get access to the event object that was raised in the event handler. For example with mouse movements, the event object will tell us the x and y poisitions
  • Use $event to represent a DOM event
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <button (click)="onSave($event)">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {
  isActive = false;

    console.log("Button was clicked", $event);
  • We can view the properties of the DOM event object via the console:


Event Bubbling

  • Event bubbling is the standard event propagation mechanism in DOM
  • An event bubbles up the DOM tree
  • unless a handler of the event prevents further bubbling


  • Let's add a <div> around <button>
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <div (click)="onDivClicked()">
      <button (click)="onSave($event)">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {
  isActive = false;

    console.log("div was clicked");
    console.log("Button was clicked", $event);
  • When we click the button, we get two messages in the console:
    • The first message is the handler of the click event of the <button>
    • The second one is from the handler of the click efvent of the <div>


  • We can stop event bubbling by using the standard method in vanilla JavaScript:
// Stop Event Bubbling
In [ ]:
  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <div (click)="onDivClicked()">
      <button (click)="onSave($event)">Save</button>

export class CoursesComponent {
  isActive = false;

    console.log("div was clicked");

    console.log("Button was clicked", $event);
  • When we call this, this event will not bubble up, in other words, it's not going to hit the second handler


Event Filtering

  • Let's say we want to handle the keyUp event
In [ ]:
// Vanilla JS

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <input (keyup)="onKeyUp($event)" /> 

export class CoursesComponent {
    if ($event.keyCode == 13) console.log("Enter was pressed");

In Angular, we have a better way to implement the exact same feature by applying a filter when handling an event

In [ ]:
// Angular version

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <input (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" /> 

export class CoursesComponent {
    console.log("Enter was pressed");

Template Variables

  • Let's say we want to get the value that was typed in the <input> field
  • One way is to use the event object
In [ ]:
// Vanilla JS
// Get value of input

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <input (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp($event)" /> 

export class CoursesComponent {
  • Instead of passing the event object around, in Angular, we can declare a variable in our template that references this input field

    #[variable name]

In [ ]:
// Angular Template variable
// Get value of input

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <input #email (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp(email.value)" /> 

export class CoursesComponent {

Two-way Binding

Using Variable vs. Using Object

  • The passing of variable email in the previous section is a technique used in procedural programming which is not recommended
  • Using OOP, if the object has all the data we need, we don't have to pass parameters around because an object encapsulates some data and some behavior
  • A better implementation using OOP will be as follow:
    • Add properties email in class
    • So that Method onKeyUp() don't need parameter
  • Using OOP, our code will be cleaner and easier to read, understand and maintain


  • As a refresher, an Angular component encapsulates the data, logic and the HTML markup behind the view so in this example:
    • email property represents data
    • onKeyUp() represents behavior behind the view
    • template property represents HTML markup

One-way Binding

  • When we load this page, the input field should be with email address However, after we changed the address to, in the console, we still got! Why?


  • Because in property binding, the direction of binding is from the component to the view

Two-way Binding

  • We want to type something in the input box (in the view) and the email field (in the component) to be updated
  • In Angular, we have a special syntax kown as banana in a box [()]for implementing two-way binding

Step 1: Bind to Directive "ngModel"

  • Instead of binding a value, we bind with directive ngModel
  • ngModel is something that Angular adds to the DOM object
In [ ]:
// Two-way Binding
<input [(ngModel)]="email" (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" />
In [ ]:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    <input [(ngModel)]="email" (keyup.enter)="onKeyUp()" /> 

export class CoursesComponent {
  email = "";


Step 2: Import the 'forms' Module

  • ngModel is defined in one of the models called forms and by default, it's not imported in your application


  • Go to app.module.ts and add the FormsModule
In [ ]:
// Import Forms module
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
  • Import FormsModule in our main AppModule


  • if you miss this step, you will get an error Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input' in the console

  • Back to the page, we change input to and examine the console. This time, we got


  • We use pipes | to format data
  • Built-in Pipes
    • Uppercase
    • Lowercase
    • Decimal
    • Currency
    • Percent
  • Arguments
    • number e.g. 1.2-2
      • 1st digit: number of integer digits
      • 2nd digit: min number of digits after decimals
      • 3rd digit: max number of digits after decimals
      • Round-up
    • currency
      • Accepts multiple arguments
    • date
In [ ]:
  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    {{course.title | uppercase | lowercase}} <br/>
    {{course.students | number}} <br/>
    {{course.rating | number: '1.2-2'}} <br/>
    {{course.price | currency: 'AUD': false: '3.2-2'}} <br/>
    {{course.price | currency: 'AUD': '3.2-2'}} <br/>
    {{course.releaseDate | date: 'shortDate'}} <br/>

export class CoursesComponent {
  course = {
    title: "The Complete Angular Course",
    rating: 4.9745,
    students: 30123,
    price: 190.95, 
    releaseDate: new Date(2016, 3, 1)

Custom Pipes

  • Implement a custom pipes to summarize a long text


Step 1: Create and Config File 'app\summary.pipe.ts'

  • Used the same convention that we've used when creating components and services
  • Import the Pipe decorator function and PipeTransform interface that shapes of all pipes in Angular
  • Refer to to view signature of the PipeTransform interface
  • Add the @Pipe() decorator function
    • Add a name property with the same name as the HTML markup
In [ ]:
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

   name: 'summary' 

export class SummaryPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string, limit?: number){
    if (!value)
      return null;
    let actualLimit = (limit)? limit: 50;
    return value.substr(0, actualLimit) + ' ...';  

Step 2: Register Custom Pipe in AppModule


  • Go to app.module.ts and add SummaryPipe in @NgModule
    • Note the auto import of SummaryPipe on the top of file


In [ ]:
// File: courses.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'courses',
  template: `
    {{text | summary:10 }} 

export class CoursesComponent {
  text = `Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.`;